Live Export: Murder at Sea
Over half a million sheep have died 2000-2012 during live export
stop the slaughter
Over half a million sheep have died 2000-2012 during live export: join us in opposing live export
The latest News:
The Morrison Government granted export licence to a Kuwaiti company in spite of  Department of Agriculture being given an extensive legal brief by Animals Australia documenting the company’s record of mass mortalities and ESCAS breaches.
While the Department had cancelled the largest exporter (Emanuel’s) licence and 500,000 sheep were not shipped across the Middle East summer,  it seemed that it baulked at  offending the Kuwaitis.
Over half a million sheep have died 2000-2012 during live export1: join us in opposing live export.
- The journey from remote Australian farms is itself a torture for sheep before live export on ships gets underway
- Between 60,000 and 200,000 sheep are overcrowded on high rise ships which disallow the cleaning of pens for voyages of up to 3 weeks 2
- Sea sickness affects animals involving enormous suffering
- Animals are crushed to death or fall and die in their excrement
- Animals have no access to a vet on board – a vet travels but does not treat. The idea of an animal welfare office on board is token
- Animals are cramped and subjected to unimaginable heat stress 2
- Thousands of animals die during the journey or are thrown overboard as they suffer illnesses or are too weak to stand 2
- Lambs are born on ship and have no chance of survival 2
- Animals are destined for inhumane halal slaughter on arrival
- Halal slaughter is cruel when it does not stun prior to slaughter, when it is done infront of other living animals, and is believed by many to be cruel as it deliberately delays death for the human’s ritual of prayer to be carried out until the animal has a loss of consciousness (6 mins)
- Unlucky animals are slaughtered later and are thrown into the boot of cars or on roof racks and are taken across desserts to be slaughtered in villages with no regulation as to the slaughter practices
- Vegetarianism and veganism is ultimately the answer to end ‘factory farming’, the mass production of animal killing for human consumption
- The Australian livestock industry must diversify markets to halt the sale of Australian animals to markets without humane slaughter.